When in Doubt

Applying the Programmer’s Debugging Mindset to Your Everyday Life

If a simple change of mindset could help you improve the quality of your relationships, your work and your day-to-day life... Would you try it?

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About the book

In When in Doubt, the reader is encouraged to turn self-doubt into a tool that can be used to their advantage to create a better life for themselves. There are no magic tricks in this book, just a simple mindset: “when in doubt, assume you’re wrong”.

The key principle behind everything this book teaches is a mindset observed in almost every great leader and entrepreneur this world has seen. When in Doubt offers a fresh point of view on this ancient principle, allowing people to better relate to it in today’s fast-paced and technology-centred society.

Value-packed and straight-to-the-point with a sprinkle of playfulness, this short 60-page book is a great tool for any goal-oriented person with a desire for improvement.
When in Doubt author Émile Perron

About the author

Émile Perron is a web developer from Québec, Canada, and author of When in Doubt: Applying the Programmer’s Debugging Mindset to Your Everyday Life.

In his non-fiction work, Émile distills his programming experience into simple but valuable lessons. His writing makes readers of every walk of life discover and explore problem-solving concepts and gives them advice that they can apply to improve their own life.

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Yes! You can preview a few pages of the book on the Amazon.com product page. You can also read the preface and the first page directly on this website.

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When in Doubt is self-published via Amazon's KDP program, so the main point of sale is Amazon's website.

However, the paperback version is also made available to US distributors, so bookstores and libraries around the world may purchase it from those distributors if you ask them to.

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Sure! If you bought the paperback book, you can send me a proof of purchase by email at emile@whenindoubtbook.com and I will send you the ePUB version of the book for free. However, the Kindle version is available solely through Amazon.